Sunday 12 October 2014

Finalized plot put together by me and my group

finalized plot - A family move into a quiet farm house within a small mountainous town in wales. The family which contains two parents, a young child and pet dog. They move into the house and in the opening scene the dog refuses to go in the house as if something is wrong and doesn’t feel safe inside. The family then go out into the garden where the young boy and his father are playing with a football but the young boy accidently ends up kicking it into the barn in the garden. The mother goes into the barn to fetch the ball, as she does this she knocks over an object which is situated around clutter. She takes a breath and a gulp as if something had gone into her body, but completely dismisses it and gives the ball back to her child. The family leave the dog outside for the night and in the morning they wake in shock as it seems that the dog has died within its sleep on its first night stay at the house. The family continue their day to day business within the house but the mother of the family day by day is waking up with bruises on her legs and arms and they are increasing in size and colour. The family start to experience strange experiences through the night, the father and mother often hear their young boy playing late at night with someone and the sounds of footsteps can be heard throughout the hollow farmhouse, the shaking of paintings downstairs and pots and pans smashing together booming throughout the house. The family began to notice as the first two weeks passed within staying in the house and the strange experiences occurring in the house. They decide to look into these experiences on Google and on here they find a number for paranormal investigators and they decide to call up them up to investigate the house and see if the house is in need of an exorcism after what they’ve discovered. The investigators ring up a catholic church to see if they would be available to perform such thing but they said no on the terms of the religion of the house owners. At arrival of the house the crew are quick to set up the equipment within the house, when the one investigator goes within the house she is feeling bad instincts about the house and that it could be possessed by a witch who once guarded the house and the witch has reached out to the mother and has trapped herself within her body and she is trying to kill the youngest of her daughters. The mother cannot leave the house as the witch has attached herself to the house and if she tries to leave it will put her in increasing pain the further away she moves from the house. During the first night of investigation the little boy begins sleep walking and setting off triggered alarms which cannot be set by humans and only extra-terrestrial beings, this means that he was being guided out but by who remains a mystery, he is lead to the barn outside where his favourite toy can be found with a load of old fashioned toys which were going off in a simultaneous matter. As the mothers condition gets worse as the investigators leave her in the house on her own there is then a screaming from inside the barn which can be heard from the investigators and it is an horrifying image of the mother trying to cut her sons throat open with a pair of scissors. The spirit of the witch has almost taken over her complete body functions and is almost uncontrollable and is unable to see what she is doing is wrong. One of the team investigators believe it is too late and unless the exorcism is performed now she will be possessed by the witch and will have to be killed. Three men pin the mother down to a chair but she is stronger than ever before swatting them like flies off her and laughing smiling at them whilst she has blood dripping down her face from the struggle. The men chuck a blanket over her head and tie her up to the chair and the investigators are forced to do a exorcist themselves, the mother is seen screaming and biting her way through the blanket which is over her head and blood is slowly covering the sheet as the exorcist continues the blood is a sign of the witch leaving the mothers body. She struggles again as the witch that has possessed her gives one last fight and screams out laughing ‘Is that all you’ve got? Mwahahahhahaha’ she is smiling and as she is slowly breaking the rope which is tired around her arms is breaking the exorcist is complete as she breaks herself free. The family then quickly rush upstairs whilst the mother is laying recovering back to her old self, a few minutes pass and she walks through the front door whilst everyone is outside staring at her as she smiles and joins the family outside and everything is now free from her and the house is restored to its natural self. The camera will then pan away to a bird’s eye view of the family and investigators outside - Fin

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