Wednesday 6 May 2015

Magazine front cover review - Empire

This magazine is called Empire. The Masthead is very attractive in this cover, the fire which is shown on the masthead catches the eye very well and makes you interested in what you are about to see, it helps show what you could expect to see when viewing the film shown on here 'Hellboy 2' Empire is a very well known magazine so where the masthead is slightly covered you still can tell what magazine it is by its stylistic effects to it. 
The main image is extremely attractive, you can tell straight away from the image you are going to witness an action film display just from his menacing look. I extremely like this image due to the color scheme and it is very attractive and you cannot take your eye of the image and draws you in to look for more about what you are viewing. The cell lines are extremely well placed in this image and the color scheme of the text works extremely well with the image there are no clashes of colors meaning it is very easy to read. The layout of the magazine is extremely conventional adapting around the image and a clear view of what you are meant to be looking at with the main image, the text on the image is clear and shows of the film well and you know what you are viewing. The price of the magazine is between the between the masthead and is place well between the letter 'M' in between this letter you have the date, the price and the issue number of the magazine. They are all well placed and it is reasonably priced i think due to the effectiveness of the image. The use of words such as 'sneak preview' draw the audience in as they are believed to be getting exclusive information in and this is extremely effective when catching the eye of your audience. Overall i think this is a really good example of a great film magazine front cover. 

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