Wednesday 6 May 2015

Magazine front cover review - Total Film

This is another example of TotalFilm. The masthead of this cover is extremely well placed and attractive, it is clear and easy to read and is obvious that it is the name of the magazine, you could say that it is covering part of the main image but it does not cover too much of the image to be a disturbance and i feel it still works well. The main image is extremely effective, the black and white works very well and captures the eye of the audience, the close up of him looking directly into the camera works well and captures you and makes you want to learn more about the image and why he is looking that way. It is a very effective image, the only issue is the color clashes in the cell lines where the text is grey, i feel it could be unclear for some people to read and could have been changed to look better as it does not give off a good look. The cell lines are well placed and do not clash with the image but could have been given a different color to grey as it is unclear to read but the ones which are white look very clear and are easy to read. 
The layout of the magazine is rather conventional to what i have seen of TotalFilm they tend to have the same layout and create the same iconic layout for their magazine. With cell lines around the main image the masthead just above the image and the name of the film being displayed just below the main face of the image. The text used is extremely effective using words such as 'Exclusive' words such as this draw in the audience.
The price and issue date of the magazine is placed within the M of the masthead and this has been a pattern with film magazines such as Empire do this to. The bar code is well placed as it does not disrupt the look of the image.

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