Wednesday 6 May 2015

Magazine front cover review - Total film

This is a TotalFilm front cover. The masthead of this image is extremely big and is centralized on the page, seeming it is a well known magazine the masthead is able to be covered as the label is already well known and being covered you would still know the makers of it just from the style of text and small area of text shown. This is a very good representation of a masthead other than the coverage, you know it is a film magazine.
The main image of the magazine is centralized and catches the audiences eye extremely well, the colour co-ordination with the background makes the image stand out, it is a very attractive image, the pose of the actor of him in character gives a good setting of what the film going to be set time period wise and makes it seem very serious. The medium shot gives a good view of his mise-en-scene giving a good expectation of what to see within the film shown. The image is extremely effective as it is a professional well known actor and you know it is an actor from the film 'Sherlock Holmes'.
The layout of the magazine is very conventional with a main image and cell lines surrounding the image giving a eye on the image and capturing the eye of the viewer with its bright text. The bar code is aside of the image and is out the way but still in clear view. It is very cleverly placed and does not effect the attractiveness of the image like it could if it was placed closer to the actors face in the main image. The price of the magazine is very small on this and is quite expensive, it could be changed in size to make more visible but is still in the right area just text size needs to be changed to made more clear.
Sell lines are placed very well and are clear on the page and do not overlap with the main image creating an attractive page to look at. They use catching words to a buyer such as 'Extra' and these words will draw in a viewer as you are more likely to be interested in something if it is exclusive. The pull quote which has been used is very catching and interesting 'All the elements are coming together!' This shows that it is going to be an Adventure film and the magazine is showing this with that quote, it is a very smart quote to use and the image helps represent the investigator of the matter making it more clear.

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